The Adam Birding Conservancy is a privately-held, 331 acre mix of prairie, wetlands and woods along the Bark River in Cold Spring, about three miles north of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Established in 2015, part of this e-Bird hotspot floods in the spring as the Bark River overflows its banks, creating an interesting habitat for migratory waterfowl.
The 215 bird species place it in within or near the top 100 most diverse birding sites in Wisconsin based on eBird. Trumpeter swans have bred in the blackbird pond in 2021, 2023 & 2024. River otters, badgers, pheasants, turkey, deer, coyote, least weasels, zapus (jumping mice) and many other creatures call this land their home. The wet-mesic and upland prairie host a wide variety of plants, sedges and trees (over 200 species and counting, including too many nasty invasives.) The small woods contains a number of large white and bur oak, some over 150 years old. The map below shows the conservancy boundaries and the paths (some mowed, some self-bushwacked) thanks in part to the mowing assistance of Donnie and Rich. Please have patience as this is a work in process and nature plays by its own rules! The physical address of the parking lot is 1636 Findlay Road in Whitewater, WI 53190. |
All visitors must agree to abide by the access rules as found in the "About ABC" Tab (also posted by the trail entrance at the parking lot)